
ZioNazi Quotes

Propaganda Machine

Who are the Jews?

Who are the Jews?

(Note: We do not necessarily agree with every single statement above even though some of these points, if not most, are simply undeniable and are confirmed by the leading researchers and historians. But you have to do your own research to verify it. This information is presented as food for thought from the external reference.)

The Propaganda and Disinformation Machine and Media

See also:

Sensational interview with rabbi Abe Finkelstein about Jewish control of the world

The Hidden Tyranny - shocking interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal

Propaganda Machine 101

"In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press....

They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

"An agreement was reached; the policy if the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers."

-- U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

Propaganda Machine 102

"We Jews continue to be amazed with the ease by which Christian Americans have fallen into our hands. While the naive Americans wait for Khrushchev to bury them, we have taught them to submit to our every demand."

Absolute control of the media

Asked how a nation could be captured without their knowing it, Mr. Rosenthal attributed this victory to absolute control of the media. He boasted of Jewish control of ALL NEWS. Any newspaper which refused to acquiesce to controlled news was brought to its knees by withdrawing advertising.

Failing in this, the Jews stop the supply of news print and ink. "It's a very simple matter," he stated.

-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

Propaganda Machine 201

Richard Nixon on propaganda machine control by Jewish Media Barons

Even late President Richard Nixon attested to this control of sorts by Jewish Media Barons. He promulgated:

"[People] have to realize that the Jews in the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies. And there is a force that we have to take into consideration."

Jewish Occult Murders by Rev. Dr. (of law) Matt Hale

Propaganda Machine 103

Our master plan of international conquest through propaganda

Money power was essential in carrying out our master plan of international conquest through propaganda."

When asked how they proposed doing this, he said:

We acquired total monopoly of all the media and education system

"At first, by controlling the banking system we were able to control corporation capital. Through this, we acquired total monopoly of the movie industry, the radio networks and the newly developing television media. The printing industry, newspapers, periodicals and technical journals had already fallen into our hands.

The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them

The richest plum was later to come when we took over the publication of all school materials. Through these vehicles we could mold public opinion to suit our own purposes. The people are only stupid pigs that grunt and squeal the chants we give them, whether they be truth or lies."

Mind Control and Conditioning

When asked if the Jews felt any threat from the 'silent majority,' he laughed at the idea, saying:

"There is no such thing as the silent majority because we control their cry and hue. The only thing that exists is an unthinking majority and unthinking they will remain, as long as their escape from our rigorous service is the opiate of our entertainment industry.

By controlling industry, we have become the task masters and the people the slaves. When the pressure of daily toil builds to an explosive degree, we have provided the safety valve of momentary pleasure.

These programs are carefully designed to appeal to the sensuous emotions, never to the logical thinking mind

The television and movie industries furnish the necessary temporary distraction. These programs are carefully designed to appeal to the sensuous emotions, never to the logical thinking mind. Because of this, the people are programmed to respond according to our dictates, not according to reason. Silent they never are; thinking they will remain."

Continuing his thought of Jewish control over the goy, Mr. Rosenthal said:

We have castrated society through fear and intimidation

"We have castrated society through fear and intimidation. Its manhood exists only in combination with a feminine outward appearance. Being so neutered, the populace has become docile and easily ruled.

Their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal

As all geldings in nature, their thoughts are not involved with the concerns of the future and their posterity, but only with the present toil and the next meal."

-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

Iceland's peaceful revolution and imprisonment of bankers

Global media blackout story

Icelandic anger brings record debt relief in best crisis recovery story.


Iceland's peaceful revolution is a stunning example of how little our media tells us about the rest of the world.

Read details about Iceland's wonderful social evolution at DailyKos, here.

Another great article is on

An article at WakeUpWorld says that "The Icelandic economy will outgrow the eurozone in 2012 and is set to outgrow the entire developed world on average, according to estimates from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Watch the video:

How to Start a Revolution - Learn From Iceland!

Now Iceland is proceeding to actually prosecute some of their formerly most powerful bankers and the Icelandic special prosecutor has stated that it very well may indict some 90 people.

Meanwhile, over 200 people, including the former chief executives of Iceland's three biggest banks, face criminal charges for their activities

The following summation has been posted by countless people on Facebook; I've reposted it in its entirety:

ICELAND (GP) - No news from Iceland? Why? Last we heard, people were rising up and overthrowing the bankers. Then, no news on the television or newspapers for two years. What happened? Why won't the papers and TV tell us how the bankers successfully crushed or minimized another rebellion? Because. THEY DIDN'T! This time, the people won.

The people of Iceland have overwhelmingly risen up and forced their government puppets of the banks to resign. Primary banks have been nationalized. The debt scam imposed by Great Britain and Holland money printers was declared null and void. A public assembly has been created to rewrite Iceland's constitution.

Iceland totally repeaces

The best part is, all of this happened without violence or bloodshed. A whole country's revolution succeeded against powers that created the current global crisis without a shot being fired.

A very good reason exists for the apparent failure of television and newspapers to provide any publicity on this unprecedented event: what would happen if the rest of the EU and the United States took this as an example?

The following is a summary of the facts:

2008 - The main bank of Iceland is nationalized.

The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market halts. The country is in bankruptcy

2008 - Citizens rise up at Parliament and succeed in forcing the resignation of both the prime minister and the effective government. New elections are held.

Yet, the country remains in a bad economic situation. A Parliament act is passed to pay back 3,500 million Euros to Great Britain and Holland by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.

2010 - The people of Iceland again take to the streets to demand a referendum. In January of 2010, the President of Iceland denies approval, instead announcing a popular vote on the matter by the people.

In March, a referendum and denial of payment is approved by popular vote of 93%. Meanwhile, government officials initiate an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested. Interpol dictates an order to force all implicated parties to leave Iceland.

An assembly is elected to write a new constitution (based on the Denmark's) to avoid entrapments of debt based currency foreign loans. 25 citizens are chosen - with no political affiliation - out of the 522 candidates. The only qualifications for candidacy are adulthood and the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly started in February of 2011. It continues to present 'carta magna' from recommendations provided by various assemblies throughout the country. Ultimately, it must be approved by both the current Parliament and the one created through the next legislative election.

In summary of the Icelandic revolution, we saw:

-resignation of the entire corrupt government of the country

-nationalization of the bank

-referendum enabling the people to determine their own economic system

-incarceration of responsible parties, and

-a rewriting of the Iceland Constitution by its people

This is significant stuff.

Have we been informed about this through the main stream media?

Has any political program on radio or TV commented on this?

Not that I've seen. The Icelandic people have demonstrated a way to beat the international money printers and controllers of information. The last thing entrenched usurers would want is for you to think you could also free yourself from their chains.


The above article is a reprint.

UPDATE: Cenk Uyger has posted a good video on Iceland's peaceful revolution at

UPDATE: Ex-Bank executives go to jail - In deciding the punishment" the Supreme Court took account of the fact that the "magnitude of the offences was significant," according to the ruling posted on the Reykjavik- based court's website.

Iceland court sentences bankers and Ex-Byr Savings Executives to Jail

Iceland court sentences bankers

Propaganda Machine 104

W.: And when this whole sordid story becomes known, the result will be an aroused citizenry - an angry citizenry who will want to destroy you.

R.: How? I ask you how? YOU can't reach the people. We have it all under such control that no one - no one or no-body can reach people unless it is done through our media control.

(Who has had control of the mass media in the 20th century?

  • Chairman of ABC Leonard Goldenson, President of CBS
  • James H. Rosenfield, Chairman of RCS
  • David Sarnoff, Chief Executive of NBC
  • Fred Silverman, President of PBS
  • Lawrence Grossman, Chairman of Time
  • Arthur Heiskell, Editor of U.S. News & World Report
  • Marvin Stone, Chief Executive of Dow Jones
  • Warren H. Phillips, Editor of Newsweek
  • Lester Bernstein, President of TV Guide
  • Walter Annenberg, President of New York Times
  • Sulzberger family, TV program producer
  • Norman Lear

these and more all are Jews!!)

-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

Propaganda Machine 105

Former Director of National Affairs at the American Jewish Committee, Dr. Stephen Steinlight, in his October article for the Center For Immigration Studies entitled, "The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography - Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy"... explains how the Jews control America...

... He then moves on to the power of the media which he admits is a Jewish propaganda machine,

"It is also true that Jewish economic influence and power are disproportionately concentrated in Hollywood, television, and in the news industry, theoretically a boon in terms of the formation of favorable public images of Jews and sensitizing the American people."

He goes on to cite the absolute necessity of repeated propaganda regarding the alleged holocaust of Jews in World War 2...

Synagogue of Satan

Propaganda Machine 106

John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist:

"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread"

In America, John Swinton, then the pre-eminent New York journalist, was the guest of honour at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton outraged his colleagues by replying,

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it.

There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with.

Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.

The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?

We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

Synagogue of Satan

Propaganda Machine 001

"We must force the Gentile governments to adopt measures which will promote our broadly conceived plan already approaching its triumphal goal by bringing to bear the pressure of stimulated public opinion which has in reality been organized by us with the help of the so-called 'great power' of the Press. With few exceptions, not worth considering, it has already fallen into our hands."

-- The Seventh Protocol.

Propaganda Machine 002

"What are you prating about? As long as we do not have the Press of the whole world in our hands, everything you may do is vain. We must control or influence the papers of the whole world in order to blind and deceive the people."

-- Baron Montefiore

Propaganda Machine 003

A large pit-bull dog was running loose in Central Park in N.Y. suddenly it turned and started running after a little girl. A man ran after it, grabbed it, and strangled it to death with his bare hands.

A reporter ran up him and started congratulating him. "Sir, I'm going to make sure this gets in the paper! I can see the headline now, Brave New Yorker saves child"

"But I'm not a New Yorker" interupted the rescuer.

"Well then, Heroic American saves..."

"But I'm not an American."

"Where are you from then?"

"I'm an Arab" he replied.

The next day the headline read -- Patriot dog brutally killed by terrorist.

Propaganda Machine 004

"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."

-- Former CIA Director William Colby

When asked in a 1976 interview whether the CIA had ever told its media agents what to write, William Colby replied, "Oh, sure, all the time."

More recently, Admiral Borda and William Colby were also killed because they were either unwilling to go along with the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some capacity, or were attempting to expose/thwart the takeover agenda.

Propaganda Machine 005

Jewish Pressure Forces End to Anti-Israel Ad Campaign in Seattle Ynet News (Israel),7340,L-4003974,00.html

Following Jewish pressure, US city retracts permit for bus ads accusing Israel of war crimes, claiming they may incite violence / The Jewish community in the west coast city of Seattle managed to thwart a media campaign against Israel, which calls on the US administration to halt all financial and defense aid to the Jewish state. The campaign organizers spent thousands of dollars to place ads accusing the Israel Defense Forces of committing war crimes on sides of buses, but massive pressure from the Jewish community led the Transportation Department of King County to cancel the campaign at the last minute, claiming that it might incite violence.

Propaganda Machine 006

"The guidance and control of America has gravitated into the hands of those least worthy of trusteeship. One of their most notable achievements, has been the making of 'male prostitutes' who do the dirty work for them [Jews]. A 'male prostitute' is a male who offers the facilities of his anatomy from the neck up, to anyone who is willing to pay the price, exactly as a female prostitute of the same species offers her body from the waist down. Thousands of these 'pseudo-Christian 'male prostitutes male prostitutes are circulating in all walks of life, pandering to evil propaganda for monetary profit and political power."

(Facts Are Facts, by Jew, Benjamin Freedman).

Propaganda Machine 007

"It has been estimated that of the world Jew population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer than five million are in the United States. Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews.

During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of the Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well."

(Propaganda in the Next War, Sidney Robertson, p. 147; War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, p. 192).

Propaganda Machine 008

"In fact, about 600 newspapers were officially banned during 1933. Others were unofficially silenced by street methods.

The exceptions included Judische Rundschau, the ZVfD's Weekly and several other Jewish publications. German Zionism's weekly was hawked on street corners and displayed at news stands. When Chaim Arlosoroff visited Zionist headquarters in London on June 1, he emphasized, 'The Rundschau is of crucial Rundschau circulation had in fact jumped to more than 38,000 - four to five times its 1932 circulation. Although many influential Aryan publications were forced to restrict their page size to conserve newsprint, Judische Rundschau was not affected until mandatory newsprint rationing in 1937.

And while stringent censorship of all German publications was enforced from the outset, Judische Rundschau was allowed relative press freedoms. Although two issues of it were suppressed when they published Chaim Arlosoroff's outline for a capital transfer, such seizures were rare. Other than the ban on antiNazi boycott references, printing atrocity stories, and criticizing the Reich, Judische Rundschau was essentially exempt from the socalled Gleichschaltung or 'uniformity' demanded by the Nazi Party of all facets of German society. Juedische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a wholly separate political philosophy indeed, the only separate political philosophy sanction by the Third Reich."

(This shows the Jewish Zionists enjoyed a visibly protected political status in Germany, prior to World War II).

Propaganda Machine 009

"There may be some truth in that if the Arabs have some complaints about my policy towards Israel, they have to realize that the Jews in the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies. And there is a force that we have to take into consideration."

-- Late President Richard Nixon

Propaganda Machine 010

"What they are planning for us; sex, religion, money in the New World Order.

Which is more corrupt? The liberal media or the multi-national corporations? Why truly big money wants your children to try drugs, even while they campaign to discourage these evils.

How the brilliant scientists have come up with the proven methods to destroy your family. All you have to do is let your guard down."

Propaganda Machine 011

In "Washington Dateline," the president of The American Research Foundation, Robert H. Goldsborough, writes that he was told personally by Mark Jones {one-time financial advisor to the late John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and president of the National Economic Council in the 1960s and 1970s} "that just four men, through their interlocking directorates on boards of large corporations and major banks, controlled the movement of capital and the creation of debt in America.

According to Jones, Sidney Weinberg, Frank Altshul and General Lucius Clay were three of those men in the 1930s, '40s, '50s, and '60s. The fourth was Eugene Meyer, Jr. whose father was a partner in the immensely powerful international bank, Lazard Freres...

Today the Washington Post {and Newsweek} is controlled by Meyer Jr.' daughter Katharine Graham."

Propaganda Machine 012

1973 Jewish State Senator Anthony Beilenson (representing Beverly Hills) brought pressure on state officials and had the nativity scene removed from the Capitol grounds because it offended the Jews from his district.

(Sacramento Union, December 22, 1973).

Propaganda Machine 013

1976 Jewish owned movie studios in Hollywood produce two anti-Christian movies. "THE PASSOVER PLOT" which portrays Christ as a revolutionary who uses drugs to trick people into thinking he was crucified.

"THE SEX LIFE OF JESUS," Christ is portrayed in a series of sexual encounters including homosexual [Think about it time after time the Jews make movies portraying our Lord Jesus Christ as a Queer.

How can ANY thinking Christian possibly believe these are God's People HOW STUPID CAN CHRISTIANS BE?]

"ACTS THE MANY FACES OF JESUS" is built around the same theme.

[Other movies made since 1976 with that same theme, that Jesus Christ was a drug addict and Queer are "JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR," "LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST," "HEAVEN ON EARTH" this one was not about Christ but about a fallen woman angel," "OH GOD1" and "OH GOD2" while these did not portray Jesus as a Queer they did portray Almighty God as a stupid mortal man and these are only a few of the many]

(Tribune Review, November 16, 1976).


Propaganda Machine 014

1977 President Jimmy Carter forced to apologize to the Jews living in America for telling his Bible class the truth, that THE JEWS KILLED CHRIST.

(Jewish Press, May 13, 1977)

Propaganda Machine 015

CFR member (and former chairm of Citicorp) Walter Wriston's The Twilight of Sovereignty is published in which he declares that "The world can no longer be understood as a collection of national economies, (but) a single global economy...

A truly global economy will require concessions of national power and compromises of national sovereignty that seemed impossible a few years ago and which even now we can but partly imagine...

The global {information} network will be internationalists in their outlook and will approve and encourage the worldwide erosion of traditional socereignty...

The national and international agendas of nations are increasingly being set not by some grand government plan but by the media."

He also spoke of "The new international financial system... a new world monetary standard... the new world money market... the new world communications network... the new interntional monetary system," and he says "There is no escaping the system."

Propaganda Machine 016

"Claim: Iraq has weapons of mass destruction

Yet, Israel has one of the largest and most deadly arsenals of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons in the world.

Claim: Iraq tried to forestall UN inspectors.

Yet, Israel has never even allowed any inspections of its huge stockpile of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Israel blocked UN investigations of Israeli war crimes such as Sharon's Sabra and Chatila massacre and the mass murder at Jenin.

Claim: Iraq had invaded and occupied its neighbor Kuwait.

Yet, Israel invaded and brutally occupied Lebanon for 18 years, killing over 20,000 civilians and destroying 100,000 homes.

Claim: Iraq had brutally occupied the Kurdish areas of Iraq.

Yet, Israel has militarily occupied the three million people of the West Bank and Gaza for 35 years, a brutal occupation that has killed and maimed tens of thousands of Palestinians, forced many into squalid concentration (refugee) camps, tortured hundreds of thousands in its prisons, and denied Palestinians of even the most elementary human rights.

Claim: Iraq was danger to the United States.

Yet, Iraq had never raised a finger against the United States, while Israel had a long record of terrorism and treachery against the United States such as in the Lavon Affair, attack on the U.S.S. Liberty and the Pollard spy case.

Claim: Iraq had violated UN resolutions such as UN Resolution 1441.

Yet, Israel had violated more than three times as many UN resolutions as Iraq, including many supported by the United States. For 35 years, Israel has violated UN Resolution 242 demanding a complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza."


Propaganda Machine 017

In the early 1990s, backed by the financial power of international Jewish bankers, the vultures bought for pennies, and plainly seized, all major enterprises previously owned by the state. Including the biggest factories and entire sectors of the newly "privatized" national economy. Pictured clockwise: Billionaire media moguls Gregory Surkis, Victor Medvedchuk, Vadim Rabinovich and Victor Pinchuk.

According to the 2001 Ukrainian census, there are 103,000 Jews in Ukraine, which is 0.2% of the total population. Out of 130 nationalities in the Ukraine, the Jewish minority numerically is behind Bulgarians (204,000), Hungarians (156,000), Romanians (151,000) and Poles (144,000). However, as one might expect, the Jewish "oligarchs" were the ones who happened to seize all positions in mass media.

Professor Vasyl Yaremenko, director of the Institute of Culturological and Ethnopolitical research at Kiev State University, released an article in 2003 entitled, "Jews in Ukraine today: reality without myths." In it he says the following:

"Ukrainians need to know that the mass media is completely in the hands of Jews, and everything that we watch or read is the product of Jewish ideology?"

He then reviews the situation in regards to Ukrainian network television and cable broadcasters:

* "First National Television Channel UT-1" is owned by the president of the Social Democratic Party, led and dominated by chief of staff Viktor Medvedchuk.

* "Inter TV" and "Studio 1+1 TV" have been Ukrainian national broadcasters since 1996, they are available in English, Ukrainian and Russian languages. They are owned by Viktor Medvedchuk and Gregory Surkis.

* "Alternativa TV", "TET Broadcasting Company", and "UNIAN (Ukrainian Independent Information & News Agency)" are also owned by Viktor Medvedchuk and Gregory Surkis.

* "STB TV" and "ICTV" are owned by the Viktor Pinchuk, the wealthiest man in Ukraine, with an estimated net worth of $3 billion.

* "Novyi Kanal (New Channel) TV" is owned by Viktor Pinchuk with a group of Jewish oligarchs from Russia called "Alpha Group."

*Zionists control all of Ukrainian television media!*

According to Professor Yaremenko, all major newspapers are also owned by Jews:

* The publishing house of Rabinovich-Katsman owns the newspapers Stolychka, Stolichnye Novosti, Jewish Review (in Russian), Jewish Reviewer, Vek, Mig, and Zerkalo .

* Jed Sandes, an American citizen and a Jew, publishes Korrespondent and Kiev-Post.

* Gregory Surkis publishes Kievskie Vedomosti and the weekly 2000.

* Jew Dmitro Gordon publishes Bulvar.

* Viktor Pinchuk publishes Facts and Commentaries.

* The Donetsk Group (Jewish-Russian oligarchs) publishes Segondnya.

*Who are these "Ukrainian" oligarchs?*

Propaganda Machine 018

"Fifteen months later the S.S. Struma exploded in the Black Sea, killing 769 illegal Jewish immigrants. The Jewish Agency described it as an act of 'mass-protest and mass-suicide,' and the U.S. media once more placed the responsibility for these deaths at the door of the British and their Palestinian immigration policy."

Propaganda Machine 019

Since we know that a largescale propaganda campaign is to be launched next Monday, we would appreciate if the American public be informed of this letter by that date [Of course we know that the Jewish owned American News Media did not so inform the American Public just another of the traitorous actions which they have repeated time after time over the years]...

The atrocity propaganda is lying. The Originators are politically and economically motivated. The same Jewish writers who allow themselves to be misused for this purpose, used to scoff at us veterans in earlier years."

(Feuerzeichen, Ingid Weckert, Tubingen 1981, p. 5254, with reference to Nation Europa 10/1962 p. 7f)

Propaganda Machine 020

"The people who own and manage national impact media are Jewish and, with other influential Jews, helped create a disastrous U.S. Mideast policy. All you have to do is check the real policy makers and owners and you find a much higher concentration of Jewish people than you're going to find in the population.

By national impact media I am referring tot he major news wire services, pollsters, Time and Newsweek Magazines, the New York Times, Washington Post, and the International Herald Tribune. For example, CBS' Mr. (William) Paley's Jewish. Mr. Julian Goodman, who runs NBC, and there's a Leonard Goldenson at ABC. Mrs. Katherine Graham owns the Washington Post and Mr. Sulzberger the New Yor Times. They are all Jews!

You go down the line in that fashion... not just with ownership but go down to the managing posts and discretionary posts... and you'll find that through their aggressiveness and their inventiveness, they now dominate the news media. Not only in the media, but in academic communities, the financial communities, in the foundations, in all sorts of highly visible and influential services that involve the public, they now have a tremendous voice.

Our policy in the Middle East in my judgement is disastrous, because it's not even handed. I see no reason why hearly half the foreign aid this nation has to give goes to Israel, except for the influence of this Zionist lobby. I think the power of the news media is in the hands of a few people... it's not subject to control of the voters, it's subject only to the whim of the board of directors."

(Former Vice President Spiro Agnew)

Propaganda Machine 021

"Journalists, editors, and politicians for that matter, are going to think twice about criticizing Israel if they know they are going to get thousands of angry calls in a matter of hours.

The Jewish lobby is good at orchestrating pressure...

Israel's presence in America is all pervasive...

You don't want to seem like you are blatantly trying to influence whom they [the media] invite. You have to persuade them that you have the show's best interests at heart...

After the hullabaloo over Lebanon [cluster bombing civilians, etc.], the press doesn't do anything without calling us for comment."

Propaganda Machine 022

Bilderberg is extremely powerful due to the nature of the membership being the heads of mass-media corporations, government, banking, military, security/intelligence, industry and so and so.

Bilderberg Group is one such secret society and is a yearly gathering of all the media owners, corporate big shots, bankers, government people and military leaders from around the world.

Over two days, this group decides what will happen next in the world. The media reports none of this because the media is owned by the very same people!

Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) set up in 1923 by black nobility - Cecil Rhodes.

Its purpose: To break down American borders, control political, public and monetary institutions within America.

They have nearly done this. NAFTA is going to evolve into the North America Union any day now, which will merge Canada, N. America, S. America and Mexico in to a single SUPERSTATE.

They will sell this to you as being "good for security from the terrorist threat."

"The Council of Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which organized in England... (and)... believes national borders should be obliterated and ONE WORLD rule established."

-- Senator Barry Goldwater

Propaganda Machine 023

"We became aware of the propaganda in your country about alleged cruelties against the Jews in Germany. We therefore consider it our duty, not only in our own interest as German patriots, but also for the sake of truth, to comment on these incidents.

Mistreatment and excesses have indeed occurred, and we are far from glossing these over. But this is hardly avoidable in any kind of revolution.

We attach great significance to the fact that the authorities where it was at all possible to interfere, have done so against outrages that have come to our knowledge. In all cases, these deeds were committed by irresponsible elements who kept in hiding. We know that the government and all leading authorities most strongly disapprove of the violations that occurred.

But we also feel that now is the time to move away from the irresponsible agitation on the part of so-called Jewish intellectuals living abroad. These men, most of whom never considered themselves German nationals, but pretended to be champions for those of their own faith, abandoned them at a critical time and fled the country. They lost, therefore, the right to speak out on GermanJewish affairs. The accusations which they are hurling from their safe hidingplaces, are injurious to German and German Jews; their reports are vastly exaggerated. We ask the U.S. Embassy to forward this letter to the U.S. without delay, and we are accepting full responsibility for its content.

Since we know that a largescale propaganda campaign is to be launched next Monday, we would appreciate if the American public be informed of this letter by that date [Of course we know that the Jewish owned American News Media did not so inform the American Public just another of the traitorous actions which they have repeated time after time over the years]...

The atrocity propaganda is lying. The Originators are politically and economically motivated. The same Jewish writers who allow themselves to be misused for this purpose, used to scoff at us veterans in earlier years."

(Feuerzeichen, Ingid Weckert, Tubingen 1981, p. 5254, with reference to Nation Europa 10/1962 p. 7f)

Propaganda Machine 024

"But we did not leave you alone. We took you in hand and pulled down the beautiful and generous structure you had reared, and changed the whole course of your history. WE CONQUERED YOU as no empire of yours ever subjugated Africa or Asia. And we did it solely by the irresistible might of our spirit, with ideas, with propaganda..."

(Marcus Eli Ravage (Big Destruction Hammer of God), member of the staff of the New York Tribune, "A Real Case Against the Jews," in Century Magazine, January-February, 1928).

Propaganda Machine 025

"It is rather surprising is it not? That which ever way you turn to trace the harmful streams of influence that flow through society, you come upon a group of Jews.

  • In sports corruption, a group of Jews.
  • In exploiting finance, a group of Jews.
  • In theatrical degeneracy, a group of Jews.
  • In liquor propaganda, a group of Jews.
  • Absolutely dominating the wireless communications of the world, a group of Jews.
  • The menace of the movies, a group of Jews.
  • In control of the press through business and financial pressure, a group of Jews.
  • War profiteers, 80 percent of them, Jews.
  • The mezmia of so-called popular music, which combines weak mindness, with every suggestion of lewdness, Jews.
  • Organizations of anti-Christian laws and customs, again Jews.

It is time to show that the cry of bigot is raised mostly by bigots. There is a religious prejudice in this country; there is, indeed, a religious persecution, there is a forcible shoving aside of the religious liberties of the majority of the people. And this prejudice and persecution and use of force, is Jewish and nothing but Jewish.

If it is anti-Semitism to say that Communism in the United States is Jewish, so be it. But to the unprejudiced mind it will look very much like Americanism. Communism all over the world and not only in Russia is Jewish."

(International Jew, by Henry Ford, 1922)

Propaganda Machine 026

"We are not denying and are not afraid to confess. This war is our war and that it is waged for the liberation of Jewry... Stronger than all fronts together is our front, that of Jewry. We are not only giving this war our financial support on which the entire war production is based, we are not only providing our full propaganda power which is the moral energy that keeps this war going.

The guarantee of victory is predominantly based on weakening the enemy, forces, on destroying them in their own country, within the resistance. And we are the Trojan Horses in the enemy's fortress. Thousands of Jews living in Europe constitute the principal factor in the destruction of our enemy. There, our front is a fact and the most valuable aid for victory."

(Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Jewish Congress, in a speech on December 3, 1942, New York City)

Propaganda Machine 027

"Propaganda mostly in hands of Jews, who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda extremely coarse and presenting Germany as black as possible, nevertheless extremely effective since public here completely ignorant and knows nothing of situation in Europe...

Situation here excellent platform for public speakers of all kinds for emigrants from Germany and Czechoslovakia, who with great many words inciting public, with most various calumnies.

They are praising American liberty which contrasts with totalitarian states. It is interesting to note that in this extremely well-planned campaign which conducted above all against National Socialism, Soviet Russia almost completely eliminated.

Soviet Russia if mentioned at all mentioned in friendly manner and things presented in such way as if Soviet Union co-operating with block democratic states. Thanks to clever propaganda sympathies of American public completely on side of Red Spain.

This propaganda war psychosis being artificially created. American people are told that peace in Europe only hinging bread... that in case of world War America must take active part in order defend slogans of liberty and democracy in world. President Roosevelt was first one to express hatred against Fascism.

In doing so he was serving double purpose; first, he wanted to divert attention of American people from difficult and intricate domestic problems, especially from... struggle between capital and labor. Second, by creating war psychosis... he wanted to induce American people to accept enormous armament program... As to point two I can only say that...

Roosevelt, as clever player of politics... speedily deviated public attention from domestic situation in order to fasten it on foreign policy... Reigning hatred against everything which in any way connected with German National Socialism is further kindled by brutal attitude against Jews in Germany and by emigree problem.

In this action participated Jewish intellectuals, for instance Bernard Baruch, Governor of New York Lehman... judge of Supreme Court Felix Frankfurter, Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau and others who are close personal friends of President Roosevelt.

They want President to become champion of human rights, freedom of religion and speech, who in future shall punish trouble mongers. This group, people who want to pose as representatives of 'Americanism' and 'defenders of democracy' in last analysis are connected by unbreakable ties with international Jewry.

For this Jewish international, which above all is concerned with interest its race, was putting of President of United States at this 'ideal' post of champion of human rights was clever move.

In this manner they created dangerous hotbed for hatred and hostility in this hemisphere and divided world into two hostile camps. Entire issue is worked out in mysterious manner.

Roosevelt has been forcing foundation for vitalizing American foreign policy and simultaneously... to procure enormous stocks for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously..."

(Document dated January 12, 1939, from Polish Ambassador in Washington, War! War! War!, Cincinnatus, pp. 173-174).

Propaganda Machine 028

"Ardent propagandists lashed the British public into a fury at the work of German Zeppelin and aeroplane raiders raining death and destruction on defenseless women and children ...

The carnage caused by allied airmen in German towns has been kept very quiet, but two instances will be enough to show its quality. In June, 1916, British and French pilots bombed Karlsruhe during the Corpus Christi procession, killing and wounding 26 women and 124 children.

In a second raid in September they caused 103 casualties inthe same city... Already the pitch has been reached in Great Britain where it is considered bigoted or reactionary to do other than praise the Jews for their industry and ability.

Few papers will risk any attack on the Jews, however, well-founded, for fear of appearing even distantly anti-Semitic. This is more than true in America where it is dangerous to mention any truth derogatory to the Jews, and in New York it has been made a crime)...

It has been estimated that of the world Jewish population of approximately fifteen millions, no fewer than five millions are in the United States. Twenty-five percent of the inhabitants of New York are Jews. During the Great War we bought off this huge American Jewish public by the promise of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, held by Ludendorff to be the master stroke of Allied propaganda as it enabled us not only to appeal to Jews in America but to Jews in Germany as well.

... All over the world, and especially in the U.S.A. Jews will be active against Germany, and the Jew is a natural and energetic propagandist, though perhaps not a very far-seeing one.

There are, however, cross-currents in the tide of World Jewry, the identification of Russian Jews with Communism, for example, and Palestine, another of our war propaganda hens which may come to roost! Which should warn us not to rely too much on having it entirely in our favor...

I have said already that the Jew is a more energetic than a skillful propagandist, but he is undoubtedly energetic. At present we are with traditional readiness giving shelter to large numbers of persecuted Jews from Germany and Austria. It would be against nature if these immigrants, whether permanent or in passage, did not harbor resentment against the countries which had expelled them, and it should not be grounds for a charge of anti-Semitism to point out that a great many of them are making an active propaganda to incite feeling against Germany.

...The U.S.A. will simply supply the world (with moving pictures, practically all owned by the Jews) Not only is she far and away the greatest producer, but, much more important still, she largely control the machinery of the world film distribution... they (the Americans) can perhaps be expected, inthe security of their own detached hemisphere, to see European affairs realistically. For one thing, the American is the great champion of the oppressed, and frequently of the oppressed which may explain why he is so frequently taken in by the 'hard- luck' story of London confidence tricksters!

Secondly, the American peoples are still under the influence of much of the Great War propaganda. They are more susceptible than most people, to mass suggestion, they have been brought up on it, and since 1918 they have shut themselves off from reality.

Thirdly, they are at this moment the battle-ground of an active propaganda of Labels."

(Propaganda in the Next War, by Sidney Rogerson, pp. 86-148; War! War! War!, by Cincinnatus, pp. 191-193).

Propaganda Machine 029

"The Jewish Establishment": 'In the early 1930s, Wlater Duranty of the New York Times was in Moscow, covering Joe Stalin the way Joe Stalin wanted to be covered. To maintain favor and access, he expressly denied that there was famine in Ukraine even while millions of Ukrainian Christians were being starved into submission. For his work Duranty won the Pulitzer Prize for journalism. To this day, the Times remains the most magisterial and respectable of American newspapers.

How imagine that a major newspaper had had a correspondent in Berlin during roughly the same period who hobnobbed with Hitler, portrayed him in a flattering light, and denied that Jews were being mistreated, thereby not only concealing, but materially assisting the regime's persecution. Would that paper's respectability have been unimpaired several decades later?

There you have an epitome of what is lamely called 'media bias.' The Western supporters of Stalin haven't just been excused; they have received the halo of victim hood for the campaign, in what liberals call 'the McCarthy era,' to get them out of the government, the education system, and respectable society itself.

Not only persecution of Jews but any critical mention of Jewish power in the media and politics is roundly condemned as 'anti-Semitism.' But there isn't even a term of opprobrium for participation in the mass murders of Christians. Liberals still don't censure the Communist attempt to extirpate Christianity from Soviet Russia and its empire, and for good reason, liberals themselves, particularly Jewish liberals, are still trying to uproot Christianity from America.

It's permissible to discuss the power of every other group, from the Black Muslims to the Christian Right, but the much greater power of the Jewish establishment is off-limits.

That, in fact, is the chief measure of its power: its ability to impose its own taboos while tearing down the taboos of others, you might almost say its prerogative of offending.

You can read articles in Jewish-controlled publications from the Times to Commentary blaming Christianity for the Holocaust or accusing Pope Pius XII of indifference to it, but don't look for articles in any major publication that wants to stay in business examining the Jewish role in Communism and liberalism, however temperately."

(The Jewish Establishment, Joseph Sobran, September 1995 issue).

Propaganda Machine 030


"You remember the success of our propaganda campaign during the 1930's, which aroused anti-American passions in Germany at the same time we were arousing antiGerman passions in America, a campaign which culminated in the Second World War.

"A similar propaganda campaign is now being waged intensively throughout the world. A war fever is being worked up in Russia by an incessant anti-American barrage while a nation wide anti-Communist scare is sweeping America.

Propaganda Machine 031

"In 1923, Trotsky, and Lunatcharsky presided over a meeting in Moscow organized by the propaganda section of the Communist party to judge God. Five thousand men of the Red Army were present. The accused was found guilty of various ignominious acts and having had the audacity to fail to appear, he was condemned in default." (Ost Express, January 30, 1923.

Cf. Berliner Taegeblatt May 1, 1923. See the details of the Bolshevist struggle against religion in The Assault of Heaven by A. Valentinoff (Boswell);

(The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, p. 144-145)

Propaganda Machine 032

There is no doubt this is true! And the fantasy exists in Christian and Secularist minds only because it was implanted there by the persistent propaganda of the masters of intrigue of the ADL-AJC Network.

Nevertheless, there can be no doubt that knowledgeable theologians, Jewish and Christians who constantly allude to "our Judeo-Christian heritage" are for their own specious purposes perpetuate a grotesque and fantastic hoax.

Propaganda Machine 033

"Those other lands were Christian, and they boiled with bigotry. The rulers themselves were more or less tolerant, for they depended upon Jews as their financiers. But the lower classes had no use for them, and butchered them whenever a righteous excuse could be found.

And righteous excuses were not wanting. If a plague broke out, of course the Jews had poisoned the wells. If a war was lost, of course the Jews had aided the enemy. If a boy mysteriously disappeared, of course the Jews had murdered him to procure blood for their Passover drink..."

(Rabbi Lewis Browne, Stranger than Fiction, p. 217).

Propaganda Machine 034

"The two great British institutions represented by Eden and myself had never sent a representative to Soviet Russia until now... British statesmen had never gone to Moscow. Mypaper had never sent a correspondent to Moscow because of the Soviet censorship. Thus our two visits were both great events, each in its own sphere. The Soviet Government had repeatedly complained about Russian news being published from Riga and asked why a correspondent was not sent to Moscow to see for himself, and the answer was always Censorship. So my arrival was in the nature of a prospecting tour. Before I had been there five minutes the Soviet Government started quarrelling with me about the most trivial thing. For I wrote that Eden had passed through streets lined with 'drab and silent crowds,' I think that was the expression, and a little Jewish censor came along, and said these words must come out.

I asked him if he wanted me to write that the streets were filled with top-hatted bourgeoisie, but he was adamant. Such is the intellectual level of the censors. The censorship department, and that means the whole machine for controlling the home and muzzling the foreign Press, was entirely staffed by Jews, and this was a thing that puzzled me more than anything else in Moscow. There seemed not to be a single non-Jewish official in the whole outfit, and they were just the same Jews as you met in New York, Berlin, Vienna and Prague, well-manicured, well-fed, dressed with a touch of the dandy.

I was told the proportion of Jews in the Government was small, but in this one department that I got to know intimately they seemed to have a monopoly, and I asked myself, where were the Russians? The answer seemed to be that they were in the drab, silent crowds which I had seen but which must not be heard of... I broke away for an hour or two from Central Moscow and the beaten tourist tracks and went looking for the real Moscow.

I found it. Streets long out of repair, tumbledown houses, ill-clad people with expressionless faces. The price of this stupendous revolution; in material things they were even poorer than before. A market where things were bought and sold, that in prosperous bourgeois countries you would have hardly bothered to throw away; dirty chunks of some fatty, grey-white substance that I could not identify, but which was apparently held to be edible, half a pair of old boots, a few cheap ties and braces...

And then, looking further afield, I saw the universal sign of the terrorist State, whether its name be Germany, Russia, or what-not. Barbed wired palisades, corner towers with machine guns and sentries. Within, nameless men, lost to the world, imprisoned without trial by the secret police. The concentration camps, the political prisoners in Germany, the concentration camps held tens of thousands, in this country, hundreds of thousands...

The next thing... I was sitting in the Moscow State Opera. Eden, very Balliol and very well groomed, was in the ex-Imperial box. The band played 'God save the King,' and the house was packed full with men and women, boys and girls, whom, judged by western standards, I put down as members of the proletariat, but no, I was told, the proletariat isn't so lucky, these were the members of the privileged class which the Proletarian State is throwing up, higher officials, engineers and experts."

(Insanity Fair, Douglas Reed, pp. 194-195; 199-200; The Rulers of Russia, Denis Fahey, pp. 38-40)

Propaganda Machine 035

"[T]here may be some truth in that if the Arabs have some complaints about my policy towards Israel, they have to realize that the Jews in the U. S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies, and there is a force that we have to take into consideration."

-- Richard Milhous Nixon, Thirty-Seventh President of the United States of America, as quoted by Leonard Dinnerstein, Antisemitism in America, Oxford University Press, New York, (1994), pp. 232-233. Dinnerstein cites: "Clipping of Fikri Abbaza, interview with Richard Nixon, Al-Mussawar, July 12, 1974, folder 'Jewish Matters, 1969-1974,' box 5, Leonard Garment mss., LC."

Propaganda Machine 036

"If there is a threat to the existence of Israel, which is by the way I think a potential threat to the existence of the United States, then you have to come to that, the aid of Israel."

-- U. S. Congressman and Presidential candidate Tom Tancredo, Republican Presidential Candidate Debates,

Propaganda Machine 037

"More important still, during all that period and to the present time, it was not possible freely to report or discuss a third vital matter: Zionist Nationalism. In this case the freedom of the press has become a fallacy during the past two decades. Newspaper-writers have become less and less free to express any criticism, or report any fact unfavourable to this new ambition of the Twentieth Century. When I eventually went to America I found that this ban, for such it is in practice, prevailed even more rigidly there than in my own country.

... The thing was but a word unknown to the masses forty years ago; today Western politicians hardly dare take the seals of office without first, or immediately afterwards, making public obeisance towards this strange new ambition."

-- Douglas Reed, Somewhere South of Suez, Devin-Adir, U. S. A., (1951), pp. 8-10.

Propaganda Machine 038

Millions of tax-exempt American dollars are sent to Israel yearly and we true American do not like this. Mr. Rosenthal replied:

"the naive politicians in Washington are gullible. Most of them are not too bright so the powerful Jewish lobbyists influenced this practice years ago and there is no one strong enough to stop it.

Some of the money is even returned to the United States and spent on Zionist propaganda efforts, much of it through the B'nai B'rith and the Conference of Jewish Organizations and the World Jewish Congress.

The Jewish Agency is a funding arm, a sort of body of B'nai B'rith officials. There is nothing wrong with sending American dollars to Israel tax-free so long as we are smart enough to get away with it.

-- Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a top Administrative Aide to one of this nation's ranking senators, Jacob Javits R-NY, in a tape recorded interview by Walter White, Jr., which was conducted in 1976. From the book "The Hidden Tyranny".

The Hidden Tyranny - Harold Wallace Rosenthal interview

Propaganda Machine 039


CAPOTE, TRUMAN. 20th century American writer. In an interview, he assailed "the Zionist mafia" monopolizing publishing today, and protested a tendency to suppress things that do not meet with Jewish approval.

(Playboy magazine, March 1968)

Propaganda Machine 040


The Chicago Tribune, July 4, 1933. A pageant of "The Romance of a People," "tracing the history of the Jews through the past forty centuries, was given on the Jewish Day in Soldier Field, in Chicago on July 3-4, 1933.

It was listened to almost in silence by about 125,000 people, the vast majority being Jews. Most of the performers, 3,500 actors and 2,500 choristers, were amateurs, but with their race's inborn gift for vivid drama, and to their rabbis' and cantors' deeply learned in centuries of Pharisee rituals, much of the authoritative music and pantomime was due.

'Take the curious placing of the thumb to thumb and forefinger to forefinger by the High Priest [which is simply a crude picture of a woman's vagina, which the Jews apparently worship] when he lifted his hands, palms outward, to bless the multitude... Much of the drama's text was from the Talmud [although the goy audience was told it was from the Old Testament] and orthodox ritual of Judaism.'

A Jewish chant in unison, soft and low, was at once taken up with magical effect by many in the audience, and orthodox Jews joined in many of the chants and some of the spoken rituals.

The Tribune's correspondent related:

'As I looked upon this spectacle, as I saw the flags of the nations carried to their places before the reproduction of the Jewish Temple [Herod's Temple] in Jerusalem, and as I saw the six-pointed Star, the Illuminated interlaced triangles, shining above all the flags of all the peoples of all the world... '"

"The principal end, which is Jewish world-domination, is not yet reached. But it will be reached and it is already closer than masses of the so-called Christian States imagine.

"Russian Czarism, the German Empire and militarism are overthrown, all peoples are being pushed towards ruin. This is the moment in which the true domination of Jewry has its beginning."

(Judas Schuldbuch, The Wise Men of Zion)

Propaganda Machine 041


"In fact, about 600 news-papers were officially banned during 1933. Others were unofficially silenced by street methods. The exceptions included Judische Rundschau, the ZVfD's Weekly and several other Jewish publications. German Zionism's weekly was hawked on street corners and displayed at news stands.

When Chaim Arlosoroff visited Zionist headquarters in London on June 1, he emphasized, 'The Rundschau is of crucial Rundschau circulation had in fact jumped to more than 38,000 -- four to five times its 1932 circulation.

Although many influential Aryan publications were forced to restrict their page size to conserve newsprint, Judische Rundschau was not affected until mandatory newsprint rationing in 1937.

And while stringent censorship of all German publications was enforced from the outset, Judische Rundschau was allowed relative press freedoms.

Although two issues of it were suppressed when they published Chaim Arlosoroff's outline for a capital transfer, such seizures were rare.

Other than the ban on anti-Nazi boycott references, printing atrocity stories, and criticizing the Reich, Judische Rundschau was essentially exempt from the so-called Gleichschaltung or 'uniformity' demanded by the Nazi Party of all facets of German society.

Juedische Rundschau was free to preach Zionism as a wholly separate political philosophy - indeed, the only separate political philosophy sanction by the Third Reich."

(This shows the Jewish Zionists enjoyed a visibly protected political status in Germany, prior to World War II).

Propaganda Machine 042


"We have only to look around us in the world today, to see everywhere the same disintegrating power at work, in art, literature, the drama, the daily Press, in every sphere that can influence the mind of the public

"... our modern cinemas perpetually endeavor to stir up class hatred by scenes and phrases showing 'the injustice of Kings,' 'the sufferings of the people,' 'the Selfishness of Aristocrats,' regardless of whether these enter into the theme of the narrative or not.

"And in the realms of literature, not merely in works of fiction but in manuals for schools, in histories and books professing to be of serious educative value and receiving a skillfully organized boom throughout the press, everything is done to weaken patriotism, to shake belief in all existing institutions by the systematic perversion of both contemporary and historical facts.

"I do not believe that all this is accidental; I do not believe that he public asks for the anti-patriotic to demoralizing books and plays placed before it; on the contrary it invariably responds to an appeal to patriotism and simple healthy emotions. The heart of the people is still sound, but ceaseless efforts are made to corrupt it."

(N.H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, p. 342; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 180-181)

Propaganda Machine 043


"The people who own and manage national impact media are Jewish and, with other influential Jews, helped create a disastrous U.S. Mideast policy.

All you have to do is check the real policy makers and owners and you find a much higher concentration of Jewish people than you're going to find in the population.

By national impact media I am referring to the major news wire services, pollsters, Time and Newsweek Magazines, the New York Times, Washington Post, and the International Herald Tribune.

For example, CBS' Mr. (William) Paley's Jewish. Mr. Julian Goodman, who runs NBC, and there's a Leonard Goldenson at ABC. Mrs. Katherine Graham owns the Washington Post and Mr. Sulzberger the New Yor Times. They are all Jews!

You go down the line in that fashion... not just with ownership but go down to the managing posts and discretionary posts... and you'll find that through their aggressiveness and their inventiveness, they now dominate the news media.

Not only in the media, but in academic communities, the financial communities, in the foundations, in all sorts of highly visible and influential services that involve the public, they now have a tremendous voice.

Our policy in the Middle East in my judgement is disastrous, because it's not even handed. I see no reason why hearly half the foreign aid this nation has to give goes to Israel, except for the influence of this Zionist lobby.

I think the power of the news media is in the hands of a few people... it's not subject to control of the voters, it's subject only to the whim of the board of directors."

(Former Vice President Spiro Agnew)

Propaganda Machine 044


"The Jewish Press of Vienna sold everything, put everything at a price, artistic fame as well as success in business.

No intellectual production, no work of art has been able to see the light of day and reach public notice, without passing by the crucible of the Jewish Press, without having to submit to its criticism or to pay for its approval.

If an artist should wish to obtain the approbation of the public, he must of necessity bow before the all powerful Jewish journals. If a young actress, a musician, a singer of talent should wish to make her first appearance and to venture before a more of less numerous audience, she has in most cases not dared to do so, unless after paying tribute to the desires of the Jews.

Otherwise she would experience certain failure. It was despotic tyranny re-established, this time for the profit of the Jews and brutally exercised by them in all its plentitude.

Such as it is revealed by its results, the Viennese Press dominated by Judaism, has been absolutely disastrous.

It is a work of death which it has accomplished. Around it and outside it all is void. In all the classes of the population are the germs of hatred, the seeds, of discord and of jealously, dissolution and decomposition."

(F. Trocase, L'Autriche juive, 1898, A. Pierret, ed., Paris; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 175-176)

Propaganda Machine 045


"Our task is not to tell the truth; we are opinion molders."

(Walter Cronkite).

Propaganda Machine 046


"Use the courts, use the judges, use the constitution of the country, use its medical societies and its laws to further our ends. Do not stint in your labor in this direction.

And when you have succeeded you will discover that you can now effect your own legislation at will and you can, by careful organization, by constant campaigns about the terrors of society, by pretense as to your effectiveness, make the capitalist himself, by his own appropriation, finance a large portion of the quiet Communist conquest of that nation."

(Address of the Jew Laventria Beria, The Communist Textbook on Psychopolitics, page 8).

Propaganda Machine 047


"When I first began to write on Revolution a well known London Publisher said to me:

'Remember that if you take an anti-revolutionary line you will have the whole literary world against you.'

This appeared to me extraordinary. Why should the literary world sympathize with a movement which, from the French revolution onwards, has always been directed against literature, art, and science, and has openly proclaimed its aim to exalt the manual workers over the intelligentsia?

'Writers must be proscribed as the most dangerous enemies of the people' said Robespierre; his colleague Dumas said all clever men should be guillotined.

The system of persecutions against men of talents was organized... they cried out in the Sections (of Paris)

'Beware of that man for he has written a book.' Precisely the same policy has been followed in Russia under moderate socialism in Germany the professors, not the 'people,' are starving in garrets. Yet the whole Press of our country is permeated with subversive influences.

Not merely in partisan works, but in manuals of history or literature for use in schools, Burke is reproached for warning us against the French Revolution and Carlyle's panegyric is applauded.

And whilst every slip on the part of an anti-revolutionary writer is seized on by the critics and held up as an example of the whole, the most glaring errors not only of conclusions but of facts pass unchallenged if they happen to be committed by a partisan of the movement.

The principle laid down by Collot d'Herbois still holds good: 'Tout est permis pour quiconque agit dans le sens de la revolution.'

All this was unknown to me when I first embarked on my work. I knew that French writers of the past had distorted facts to suit their own political views, that conspiracy of history is still directed by certain influences in the Masonic lodges and the Sorbonne [The facilities of literature and science of the University of Paris]; I did not know that this conspiracy was being carried on in this country.

Therefore the publisher's warning did not daunt me. If I was wrong either in my conclusions or facts I was prepared to be challenged. Should not years of laborious historical research meet either with recognition or with reasoned and scholarly refutation?

But although my book received a great many generous appreciative reviews in the Press, criticisms which were hostile took a form which I had never anticipated. Not a single honest attempt was made to refute either my French Revolution or World Revolution by the usual methods of controversy;

Statements founded on documentary evidence were met with flat contradiction unsupported by a shred of counter evidence. In general the plan adopted was not to disprove, but to discredit by means of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views I had never expressed, or even by means of offensive personalities.

It will surely be admitted that this method of attack is unparalleled in any other sphere of literary controversy."

(N.H. Webster, Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, London, 1924, Preface; The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, by Vicomte Leon De Poncins, pp. 179-180)

What are you going to do about it?